How to Set Up Yard Signs
Install Your Yard Signage in Minutes
There’s no better way to get the word out about your event, property, or cause than by having yard signs. Yard signs are affordable, and with proper care and maintenance, can last a long time. If you’re like most businesses or homeowners, you’ll have to set up your signs beforehand, so you’ll need to know how to assemble them.
Although not all of us are the handiest of people, putting a yard sign together is not difficult. It takes a bit of planning, basic tools, and muscle. Read on to learn how to set up yard signs that look their best and last as long as possible.
Gather What You Need
Before setting up your yard sign, make sure you have everything you need—a marker, your corrugated plastic yard sign, and your wire stake. Most stakes are made from galvanized wire, have an H or ladder-like shape, and have two sets of channels or prongs—the top prongs slide into your yard sign while the bottom ones are pushed into the ground.
You’ll need a large flat surface when working with your sign. You can drop the tailgate of your car or do it on your grassy lawn. However, avoid setting up your yard sign on concrete or asphalt surfaces, as you may scratch your newly printed sign.
Get Your Yard Signage Up

Step 1: Mark the Bottom of Your Sign
Most people make the mistake of immediately sliding the sign into the stake without checking if both are centered. To avoid this, lay your sign on top of the stake first. With a marker, tick the two lowest points where your sign and the top prongs meet to mark where to insert your yard sign later. For your stakes to securely fit, ensure that the marks are in between the flutes or the small lines inside the corrugated plastic.

Step 2: Slide the Stake Inside the Sign
Using your tick marks as a guide, fit the top ends of the stakes into the sign. Lay the sign and stake flat, and then gently slide up the stake through the bottom of your yard sign. Sliding the stake in, rather than pushing the plastic sign down, keeps your yard sign crease-free. Stake wires can be sharp and often have an oily coating, so exercise caution.

Step 3: Find a Spot to Put Up Your Sign
Now that you have your yard sign ready, the next step is to decide where to put it up. You’ll want to position your sign close to the street, so cars and passersby from either direction can see it. Before putting up the sign, however, make sure to check your local guidelines on recommended distance from the road with your local officials, as this can vary from city to city. Avoid placing your sign on your lawn—you may have to move it around when it’s time to mow. If your yard sign promotes your business, get the homeowner’s permission.

Step 4: Push the Stake Onto the Ground
Pushing a yard sign onto the ground sounds simple, but there’s a process. Hold each prong of the stake vertically, using your arms for support and your hands to keep the sign in place. With your foot, push down the bar that connects both prongs into the soil, and that’s it!
Create and Print Your Yard Signage With eSigns
Yard signs are one of the most versatile marketing tools. Use them for real estate signs, campaign materials, sales announcements, or directional signage. Yard signs are one of the most versatile marketing tools. Use them for real estate signs, campaign materials, sales announcements, or directional signage.
At eSigns, we offer custom yard signs and banner printing for long-lasting outdoor displays. Get started with one of our free and easy-to-use templates and customize your sign with our design tool or upload your print-ready design. Here are some of the yard sign templates we offer:
We provide a wide range of specs and options, including sizes, shapes, and print colors. Don’t forget to order sign stakes so you can set up your yard signs with ease.
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