No Guns Signs Ohio ORC 2923.1212A No Firearms Allowed In School Zone Sign

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Inform Ohio citizens with gun carry permits that their permits do not allow the carrying of guns in Ohio school safety zones.

ORC Ann. § 2923.1212 Signage prohibiting concealed handguns. (A) The following persons, boards, and entities, or designees, shall post in the following locations a sign that contains a statement in substantially the following form: "Unless otherwise authorized by law, pursuant to the Ohio Revised Code, no person shall knowingly possess, have under the person's control, convey, or attempt to convey a deadly weapon or dangerous ordnance onto these premises." (B) The following boards, bodies, and persons, or designees, shall post in the following locations a sign that contains a statement in substantially the following form: "Unless otherwise authorized by law, pursuant to Ohio Revised Code section 2923.122, no person shall knowingly possess, have under the person's control, convey, or attempt to convey a deadly weapon or dangerous ordnance into a school safety zone."